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Re: who visited my page?

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Steff Watkins wrote:

>    ----- Message body suppressed -----
> --WAA06976.840777075/tera.mcom.com--
This bullshit has GOT to STOP!  I feel like I'm getting flamed by you 
people.  This is undoubtedly the most irresposibly maintained list I've 
ever seen.  Jesus Christ--how about a little responsibility here.  Let 
the fucking people who want out get out.  I'm sick of getting unsubscribe 
messages clogging up my email box!

If some of you smug assholes who scoff at the attempts of people to 
unsubscribe ACTUALLY know what the hell you're doing, why don't you 
actually help some of these people out, instead of offering gloating 
disdain and more junk mail???

Follow-Ups: References: